Lpvapp's Homepage
Hi! I'm Lpvapp.
Im diagnosed with Autism and I like doing things that are out of the box.
This website is best viewed on a PC or a monitor.
Things about me:
  • I am male.
  • I actually wear a fedora IRL.
    • Not all the time, The thing gets hot even in 20°C weather.
  • I like modern, sleek, simple websites.
  • I like gunpower based weaponry. (guns)
  • I enjoy being silly sometimes.
    • (The friendly kind of silly. I do not do war crimes.) I swear.
  • I am a confused lad. If you ask me to do something i dont know about, i'll probably break down. help


New stuff!


  • Made a W.I.P page while the main page gets done.
  • Overall layout gets created.
  • Added the Navigation Bar.
  • Imported icons.
  • Made a bunch of pages.
Site Opened!


  • Opened the site! Didn't do much after that.